Class YabokuPlayer


  • YabokuPlayer



data: Map<string, any> = ...

The player's custom data.

guildId: string

The id of the guild the player is in.

loop: LoopMode = LoopMode.None

The player's current loop mode.

YabokuPlayer options.

paused: boolean = false

The player's current pause state. (Whether the player is paused or not.)

playing: boolean = false

The player's curreny playing state (Whether the player is playing or not.)

The player's queue.

search: ((query: string, options?: YabokuSearchOptions) => Promise<YabokuSearchResult>)

Type declaration

shoukaku: Player

The Shoukaku player instance.

state: PlayerState = PlayerState.Connecting

The player's current state.

textChannelId: string

The id of the text channel the player is bound to.

voiceChannelId: null | string

The id of the voice channel the player is in.

yaboku: Yaboku

The Yaboku instance.



  • Sets the voice channel for the player and move the player to it.


    A YabokuPlayer instance.


    • voiceChannelId: string

      The id of the voice channel to move to.

    Returns YabokuPlayer

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