guildThe id of the guild the player is in.
The player's current loop mode.
optionsYabokuPlayer options.
The player's current pause state. (Whether the player is paused or not.)
The player's curreny playing state (Whether the player is playing or not.)
queueThe player's queue.
Search for tracks.
options: YabokuSearchOptionsThe Shoukaku player instance.
The player's current state.
The id of the text channel the player is bound to.
The id of the voice channel the player is in.
yabokuThe Yaboku instance.
Get the filters applied to the player.
nodeGet the current position in a track. (ms)
Get the current volume of the player.
Connects to the voice channel.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
Destroys the player.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
Disconnects from the voice channel.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
emitPauses the player.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
Whether to pause or unpause the player.
Plays a track.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
track: YabokuTrackThe track to play.
options: PlayOptionsPlay options.
Seeks to a certain position in a track.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
The position in ms to seek to in the track.
sendSets the loop mode.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
The loop mode to set.
Sets the text channel for the player.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
The id of the text channel to bind to.
Sets the voice channel for the player and move the player to it.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
The id of the voice channel to move to.
Sets the volume of the player.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
The volume to set.
Skips the currently playing track.
A YabokuPlayer instance.
Generated using TypeDoc
The player's custom data.