Class YabokuTrack


  • YabokuTrack



author: undefined | string

The track's author.

identifier: string

The track's identifier.

isSeekable: boolean

Whether the track is seekable.

isStream: boolean

Whether the track is a stream.

length: undefined | number

The track's length.

position: undefined | number

The track's position in queue.

realUri: null | string

The original URI for this track.

requester: undefined | User

The track requester.

resolvedBySource: boolean = false
sourceName: string

The track's source.

thumbnail: undefined | string

The track's thumbnail, if available.

title: string

The track's title.

track: string

The track's Base64.

uri: string

The track's URI.

yaboku: undefined | Yaboku

The Yaboku instance.



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